乳幼児時期のお子さまへの母親の関わり方へのサポート、幼稚園受験・小学校受験における母子共の日常生活への見直しや新たなる挑戦や発見でのサポート、頑張って、ご希望通りの学校へ進学なさった後の更なる飛躍への時間への応援…等々、21世紀を担う、未来の先導者になるべく、切磋琢磨する場…として、更に、世界に通用するグローバルな考え方を身に付け、豊かな人間性の土台を培うことのできる場としてありたいと願い、30年近く、「タンポポ会幼児教育研究所」の名称で、主に有名国立・私立小学校受験を志向なさるご家庭とご一緒に過ごしてまいりましたが、この度、Tanpopo Kids Clubと名称を変え、新たに出発させていただくことになりました。
Tanpopo Kids Club
代表 山口節子
Significance of education for infants can be recognized by the consequences and fruits...
derived from the time they spend intimately controlled by the adults related closely which will entwine with their later lives . The most crucial point of infant education is to let them acquire natural empathy and sympathy with others that will be the foundation of their humanity formed in the course of development.
Under the name “Tanpopo Infant Education Research Laboratory”, we have accumulated abundant experiences for nearly thirty years in close association with the parents and other members of the families wishing to send their children to the renowned national and private primary schools. Throughout the past period, our major effort has been concentrated on cultivation of richness of the mind that will eventually be the basis of globally viable personality and moral standard. Support especially for mothers how to associate with their children, how to spend daily life in order to pass the entrance examinations of the nursery schools and primary schools to which the parents would wish to send their children and how to build up the children’s daily routine through exciting experiences of organizing and challenging and how to proceed into the life of progress and growth, has been our proud achievement and unchanged objective.
Nothing we have accomplished so far changes for our school under the renewed name,“Tanpopo Kids Club” and we are absolutely confident that our activities will be the more effective and fulfilling under the image of new naming .
We earnestly and eagerly await arrival of future heroes and heroine. Thank you.
Tanpopo kids Club Chairperson
Setsuko Yamaguchi